The Colombian mafia wants to kill the Sombra crab dog


Schäfertiken Sombra slipped a ton of cocaine.

Hundreds of people were captured thanks to his sensitive numbers

Now she has bodyguards – the mafia has taken her head

Sombra, 6, is an invaluable asset to the Colombian antinarchy police . 245 people were arrested and 9 tons of cocaine seized during a strike where the dog revealed traffickers.

The Urabeños knee mafia was tired of Sombra and awarded a reward of 200 million pesos to the one who kills her. Police say in a tweet

He made the security around the dog stronger. She was transferred to El Dorado airport in the capital Bogota and escorted by additional bodyguards in addition to regular dog driver Jose Rojas, CNN

– Because of her achievements and her merits, she has been declared protected.

According to the police, Sombra, which means "shadow", participated in more than 300 operations and won several medals.

– Sombra is much easier to work than other dogs. She understands the orders that the dog driver, in this case I give him, says Rojas.

Urabenos Mafia at the top Dairo Antonio Usuga is one of the most wanted men in Colombia

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