Malies Voted During the Day of Violent Election – Pages


Following an electoral movement led by armed attacks, 23,000 pilgrimages were opened in the morning. Although 30,000 people were placed for security, attacks in the north and center of the country were reported.

In Lafia, Timbukture, in the north, gunmen burned a ballroom during the night. According to a local official, jihadists are behind the attack. "God does not like elections", the authors will have cried.

Central regions of the country report several similar events

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Security guards outside a ballroom in Bamako. In many places, ballrooms were set on fire and the vote was lifted.

In Kidal, in the north, extremists fired grenades. An explosion took place near a vallokal, but no one was injured.

Violent Malias

Security has been the big topic of elections in a country for years by the armed insurgency of separatist bans and Islamist extremists.

Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, often referred to as IBK, highlighted the 2015 peace agreement as a great success during his election campaign. However, this did not prevent jihadist attacks and other violence – despite the presence of 15,000 UN troops and 4,500 French soldiers, as well as a regional counterterrorism force. "width =" 768 "height =" 444 "title =" Oppositionens presidentkandidat Soumaïla Cissé med fru anländer till vallokalen i Niafunke för att rösta. "/>

| [19659109] Presidential candidate Soumaïla Cissé with Madame arrives at Niafunke Town Hall to vote

Moreover, a conflict between cattle herders and farmers, supported by scarcity of resources and poverty , continues to worsen.

The opposition accused the BKI, which received 78% of the vote in the 2013 elections, from not having curbed the violence.

People want to see the change. The latter was an accident that we should now forget, said the main candidate of the president, Soumaïla Cissé, during his last vote on Friday.

Against Corruption

Cissé called for deepening dialogue in society and promised to fight corruption. health care and education to promote development. He also believes that the government must make more efforts to comply with the peace agreement.

According to estimates, however, IBK should pull the biggest straw. It can rely on relatively stable economic growth under its control, with a good export of gold and cotton.

Voter turnout in the morning was low.

Preliminary results are expected within two days. If none of the candidates receives more than half of the votes, a second round will take place on August 12th.

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