FEM SPANNING: "Granqvist did not steal the show in the early days


Granqvist with a really stable start – without stall ramps
Andreas Granqvist did not seem quite immortal in some speed sequences, but at least he did well in almost every part of the game He had an obvious pelvis, pulled the ball well from the bottom line and had a strength in the notch.

At the same time, it was interesting to note that he did not take the penalty with a 2-0 lead, but HIF sent Darijan Bojanic. It was more like a game where Granqvist wanted to play easily and wisely.

Rasmus Jönsson is the fastest time
Granqvist is the best, Rasmus Jönsson the best. The number two beginner came with his long-haul body and just floated around. Combinations found and deep passes, thus combining the offensive (which was partially hacked in 2018). In addition, HIF released a number of counter-goals after the ball kick, and there he helps the team to keep possession of the ball.

He also elevated Max Svensson, while adding that the entire Helsingborg offensive right now feels a lot of Swedish. Svensson still irrational, Andri Runar Bjarnason still powerful, and Mamadou Moro has incredibly (often positive) solutions in itself. He may try to cut a pair of opponents on his own half, and seven seconds later bike park. He can dribble three to four players with a pair of touch and jerk. He can make a comment that few Swedish players can even see. Three of the four in the offensive were acquired in 2018, and all three can be pointed to some of the most important and best decisions about the increase in HIF.

The future of J-Söder?
The total Swedish chances of Jönköping may have disappeared today. They will have nine to twelve points to qualify, and seven teams to pass, with 14 consecutive left. Now, it's perhaps more to stay in the superstar and work even more against what it looks like in 2019. In the matches I've seen, there are some interesting ideas, but it's may be that the false representation of the season game.

This is a fairly high average age on the starting line, but some young people are good. Alexander Jallow and Peter Gwargis are the clearest, but both have also been famous for larger clubs. There will be important transfer weeks to see how the future stage of J Södra can come.

Three generations in one goal
When Granqvist spoke in January of his role as sports director, he invested a lot in youth activities. It's there that he wants HIF to raise even more in the long run.

There was also a symbolism about his own talents at 1-0. Granqvist nodded and Jönsson and Max Svensson played together in a free space. A goal created by one of the oldest generation of HIF talents, one from the middle and the other from the youngest. And of the 13 players used today, seven are from their own youth business.

One in 13
On J Södra's last 13 home games, they have only one win, one defeat against Frej. This is a remarkably bad figure, although they are excused a bit of tough resistance in recent matches (Falkenberg, Halmstad, HIF). However, an improvement of future home games is necessary: ​​Värnamo, Varberg and Gefle.

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