The summer of Tauba Katzenstein tells of the time in Auschwitz


Tauba Katzenstein was born in 1925 in the Lodz ghetto, Poland. At the beginning of the Second World War, she lived in Lodz, then moved to the concentration camps of Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrück, where she survived. Now, it is his turn to share his story in his summer break in P1.

  Summer in P1 "title =" Summer in P1 "/> 
<figcaption> Today Tauba Katzenstein is 93 years old Source of the picture: Henrik Montgomery / TT </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Tauba tells in his diary Summer when German soldiers stormed their homes to take them with their family, they were taken to Auschwitz. <span class= When they arrived at the camp, Tauba saw striped pajamas looking more like to narrow ghosts SS soldiers with whips and wagons laden with dead

– It was a nightmare that can not be told, says Tauba in the parade of the summer

C & # 39 was a procedure that everyone had to follow when they arrived at the camp.On Christmas Eve, the prisoners decided to give their prisoners a bottle of Christmas milk

– I had not drunk milk for five years.


She, who was the leader of the camp, was a divorced woman who had been married to a senior German SS man.

– This was a special woman, an SS woman, who, I think, has a lot to do with today 's life

The SS woman was very tense and cold.

– She had the attraction of a person, she was human.

Tauba recounts that the SS provided him with castor oil when she was sick

– This may not sound big but she put her life in danger to get the l & # 3939; oil and give it to me.

  Auschwitz "title =" Auschwitz "/> 
<figcaption> Tauba tells us that Auschwitz was a nightmare that can not be described Image Source: Alik Keplicz / TT </figcaption></figure>
<p>  <span class= Tauba came to Sweden with The Red Cross bus, she spent time in Lund and after a while she found herself in Småland, where she met a man she lived for 70 years and where she had a son.Tauba today has three grandchildren and five grandchildren, old and living in the Jewish house in Stockholm.

Here you can listen to the summer parade of Taubas in P1

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