Lego DC Super Villains reviews


Honestly, what to do with the superheroes when we can get it super-crooks? In the fourth title of Traveler's Tales in Washington DC, Batman is finally decided to leave James, Lex Luthor, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, Penguin and my own super curtain: Jokressa.

(This choice may not be the most creative moment of my life.)

Lego DC Super Villains is not the most imaginative you can imagine. Heard. then Lego Star Wars Thirteen years ago, the Lego game was more or less correct, but apart from some lazy Legospel (Spring Lego The Incredibles incredibly … mediocre), these titles have been repeatedly made joy. Lego DC Super Villains is no exception.

Cheetah, the sworn enemy of Wonder Woman, is a healer who builds with Lego.

Scarecrow is right in his name.

This time, the player-shaped Lego Boy identifies the center of the story.

"It's Lego as usual"

The basics are stable and you're the least aware of TT titles, you know what's going on: play on freeways with lanes, this time in and around Gotham City, Metropolis and other area sites . Break Lego, build Lego, eliminate enemies, solve puzzles, collect until you become a "real villain". This is the Gotham Bell Tower, the secret laboratory, the Arkham Asylum and other worlds. Check the intermediate sequences. Suck the sad driving of the hub.

Are you really crazy (guilty!) You take the courses in free play with new abilities ready to bind them to secrets and to do the same with the world of the hubs. That's how to say Lego as usual.

She does not say a word but Jokressa still has a lot of karisma.

The only ones who deny Justice Syndic are the bad guys. You have to know one, etc.

Harley Quinn is beautiful.

The bad guys show that the bad guys are tired of it.

This does not mean that there is no news. We've already built our own Lego Bubbles, but this time, my white dress Jokressa, dressed in red, is not dedicated to the free game, but she's in the eye of the stormy mystery and focuses on interstitials. Admittedly, she is stupid, but it looks almost like a fit for an ancient gospel, where no word has been published and where everything was Charlie Chaplin's comedy.

Jokressa also has a game advantage because it draws new skills over the course of history – the Lego Gold Laser beams and the ability to resize, for example – what gives me a poke allows me to not not have to change insensibly between the characters. Here is another nice tool. Do you meet a puzzle and change your character in the game of the good bad guy?

Considering that the layout includes a total of 174 (!) Naughty and heroes, this is grateful.

Traveler's Tales merged with DC Comics to write the story. It's noticeable. It's smart, fun and of an unexpected compassion. This is not the Suicide Squad here, in short. The Justice League went up in smoke and was replaced by the "Heroes" Justice Syndicate, stemming from a parallel world. Superman becomes Ultraman, Batman becomes Owlman, etc. The only ones who seem to notice that heroes have become really crazy under the nails are the bad guys who do not want to let in more badguys.

Lego DC Super Villains is at its best moments incredibly fun. When scripts, DC candies and Lego play interact, it's easy to play with a wide clown lip on the lips. Sometimes he stumbles near a higher class, but it's just a problem: it's stumbling.

Jokressa is mine, just me, great curtain.

Driving in the hub is usually something you want to overtake.

World's map! Boxes of competence! Mani collection!

There is always time for a selfie.

"The script is the sharpness of the razor"

Once, I was forced to reload a checkpoint (and they were not generously deployed, I would ask to speak) when an activated lever refused to give the green light and I let go. I need to take a second-hand controller to push the joker down. I fell and fell through the field into the hub. I was forced to cancel the race (also in the hub) when I did not arrive because the track went through a place that was not yet unlocked in the story , or that my truck was completely blocked. Tiring.

Of course, Tröttma can play a role in the game. If you burned yourself on Darth Vader, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter and Gandalf (or Batman) do not risk Lego DC Super Villains to be a new show. The script should consist of straight blades and visiting DC's classic and exotic sites warms the broken heart. Lego, as usual, is good and bad.

note: Criticism refers to the PS4 version. The game is also available on PC, Switch and Xbox One.

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