Iphone trumps intercepted by China and Russia


US President Donald Trump has three Iphones. Two of them are official and have "safe" versions of iOS, the third is like any Iphone. It is generally accepted that Trump loves their Iphones; It has been difficult to convince the president to use really secure landlines, at least in sensitive cases.

Anonymous sources from the New York Times, intelligence officials and US security officials testify that it is indisputable that Chinese and Russian security services intercept the president's phone . The presidential assistant has tried several times to make him understand that his phones are intercepted.

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Officially, Trump will only use his Iphones for private business; to call his family, his friends and acquaintances, as well as, of course, his famous tweets. And of course, no sensitive issues. But it was precisely through the president's friends and acquaintances that the foreign security services wanted to "access" the president.

US officials testified that China specifically treated Trump's friends through, for example, privileges, a kind of "social engineering". US officials also describe how foreign security services analyze discussions and information to take a photo of the president; how he thinks, how he reacts to different information, what arguments make him wander and what he seems to listen to.

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In a kind of combined campaign of lobbying and espionage, the Chinese have drawn up a list of people they are trying to deal with, hoping that this information will reach the president's ear. According to the New York Times, two of the listed people are the defense group, Stephen A Schwarzman, CEO of Blackstone, who earned a master's degree at Tsinghua University, and Steve Wynn, a former Las Vegas casino. Vegas, who also owned real estate in Macao.

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