Answer by Nikki Amini tonight – after the hopes of Måns Zelmerlöw


Måns Zelmerlöw attended on Thursday morning "Rix Morronzoo", directed by Laila Bagge and Roger Nordin. Zelmerlöw then asked the question if he thought that "Idol" had played his role.

– Absolutely yes. I think it could have been the time for something else. Sweden is the only country to still have "Idol", he replied.

Laila Bagge, member of the jury of "Idol" between 2008 and 2015, met with Måns Zelmerlöw.

– Yes, you can still develop that too. You learned all the tricks and how it goes: "Unfortunately, you have to pack your bag" – and then it will be the turn. First, you are sad and happy, she says.

"At home and draw something new then if you think it's so bad," said Roger Nordin.

IDOL 2018: Nikki Amini responds to criticism

When judge Nikki Amini is hit by criticism, she thinks that Måns Zelmerlöw, who himself participated in "Idol" 2005, may feel threatened.

– Yes, do they think so? Måns will not have the competition of all the new quality artists proposed by the program? Amini said.

Nikki Amini does not agree with the statements of Laila Bagge and Måns Zelmerlöw that the program has played its role.

– "Idol" is more necessary than ever. Today 's artists must have the opportunity to create a solid platform to begin their careers. That's what I find in Idol, and nowhere else, she says.

In this week's final, Ki Soe was forced to leave the competition. Nikki Amini has already expressed her disappointment at the voters' vote, but was pleased for the moment.

– Tonight, viewers took care of that. They listened to me. I ended up saying that we had to vote for the performance and nothing else, I find that viewers did it.

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