"So, Lunabelle will not meet her grandparents"


two Youtube Joakim and Jonna LundelDuring the weekend, I became the parents of his beloved daughter Luna Belle. The small crab weighed 3685 grams, measured 49 centimeters high and was released on October 28 at 10:31 in Norrköping.

The couple had already told them that they had been trying for five years, but after a long and demanding wait, the couple's daughter finally came into the world and the family was fine under the circumstances.

Luna Belle
3685 grams and 49 centimeters was the small scratch when she came out. Here rested with a pretty little hat. Image Source: Jonna Lundell Instagram

A mother on maternity leave was Jonnas Lottie Lundell. And Instagram, she now congratulates Jocke and Jonna, and also shares images and a great video on a newborn Lunabelle.

"What a miracle she is, perfectly perfect and very wonderful!" Jonna was so good at birth, so calm and harmonious at the end, she shines about her and Jocke, who will be the best father possible on the first layer, the first socks, the first cap and the umbilical cord cut.What hero.Thank you for sharing this amazing experience with you and GRATTIS for the cutest little girl I've ever seen, "writes -she.

Jocke and Jonna became parents
Joakim and Jonna fought for five years to finally have their little darling. Image Source: Jonna Lundell Instagram

Joakim recently declared the podium "In the name of truth" Lottie will be the only grandparent in Lunabelle's life. He does not want that she has any contact with her own parents.

"You can say that the light turns on when I think about it," he says.

Listen to all his motivation in the player above.

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