Review – Cthulhu's Call


It's as if a cruel goddess had pulled the G slider to the max in her almighty imager. Throughout the island of Darkwater you will find a fluffy, green and mellow concoction shirt, which effectively nitrogenizes joy and life. The atmosphere is pushing at least. One wonders directly why Pierce's private pier (and, in the long run, I) does not bring back the best-selling and smelly bestseller to Boston and the mainland.

A sickly and wet green compression t-shirt that exudes joy and life

We are up to solve the mystery of a family that has burned. It is alleged that the woman of the house, an artist leaning for more or less hellish paintings, is the one who hides behind the fire. Difficult to hear from her, she apparently also fought the flames. Initially, our brutal bark Pierce is rational and stoic, but becomes without, without any explanation, obsessed by the resolution of the case. At all costs.

And pretty quickly, it is clear that "all is not correct". So even a three-year-old could have seen it. In addition to the toxic green filter that is above all, people are lean and bright. The architecture is menacing, the vegetation is sick. It would not have been easier to report "Danger! Staying here! Everyone is crazy!" Whoever knows his Lovecraft knows, of course, what's behind it, but our main character does not seem to be think about it all. He has a job to do.

J & # 39; between Call of cthulhu, the "official" game developed by French Cyanide (a company that never really left compartment B), eyes open. I wish they finally succeed. Previous games of this type and the developer's track record do not let expectations pass. But maybe a good fool can weigh technical shortcomings? Perhaps it is possible to get into this crazy pheasant, which is not really a scary graphic excess, but a nerve, a mood, twists and an awareness of how l? man can fear the unknown.

The nearest cyanide manages to get old honors, the psychological horror is when they are inspired Alien: Isolation as amnesiathe games are. The feeling of never being able to defend oneself physically. When they play with darkness and light, they are sometimes furious, perhaps especially when the light is over – an oil lamp that goes up in the middle of a black carbon mental hospital can make the most of it to become very small when you hear something crawling just out of the dark.

An oil lamp rising in the middle of a black carbon mental hospital can make the most of the small size

These moments are varied, with longer dialogues and elaborate sections to solve puzzles. Some puzzles are deeper, but often, they are lost to not be experienced. Pierce's inexplicable ability to design and visualize what happened on a crime scene often looks more like a super-strength than an attempt to spell stamina. It states images of events impossible to imagine.

The rhythm of the story is a bit off. And there are gaps in the structure. Pierce suddenly knows something no one has told him. Or it looks like a dramatic question mark when something is discovered – even if it had already been revealed in the previous conversation. The newspaper offers surprises, so that in the next moments, it will be insufficient to describe what I really do. This leads to a lot of backtracking, I find myself walking like a hen on some levels.

Cyanide has not completely checked all the branches, quite simply. The choices you make, which are to some extent influenced by the abilities you choose in the "enlightened role-playing" system, can lead to different results – I do not mind that my only reproduction can not answer to the actual number of different resolutions.

However, the reading value can be limited. The press gallery is sad and overrated, and Pierce himself is the first. Even the cultists and the old gods from the depths of the sea are not enough to hold my attention. I often notice that the mind wanders while Pierce insinuates deeper into the gray-green corrupted.

In the end, it seems to be going. Some nice jumping fears and short sections where I really feel uncomfortable do not weigh the gaps in the set. We have given up too much, convinced that the brand should sell itself. I am disappointed to have to look forward to the kind of horror experience that seems to come back every thousand years. I wait while dreaming, like the ancient Cthulhu at the bottom of the sea at R & # 39; lyeh.

Call of cthulhu


Sometimes plays well with light and darkness


Sometimes you actually smell the smell of dead fish

The story seems fragmented and elegant

None of the meetings

Many puzzles are strong transport routes

Thoughts often go astray

That means the notes on FZ

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