Peter Madsen beaten in prison: "Four cuts in the eyes"


Peter Madsen, who lives in life after murdering the Swedish journalist Kim Wall, was beaten in prison, reports the Danish BT.

Exceeded in his cell

The event occurred on August 8 earlier this year when Madsen had left the confines of Storstrøm Prison in Falster, Denmark. When he was in his cell, two other participants came to talk, one of them jumped on him.

eye lesions

When Madsen attacked, he received several powerful blows to the face. The smocks that he had on the face caused him several injuries, mainly around the eyes. Something that caused him to have vision problems with the future.

Madsen has vision problems and wears glasses since childhood.

Immediately after the accident, Madsen was taken to the emergency room for a quick examination of her eyes. Still, you do not know how it will happen to the eye, but a longer investigation will be made later, writes BT.


That day, Madsen testified at the trial that was held against the 18-year-old prisoner who assaulted him. At the trial, the referee showed Madsen a photo after the improper handling, and it was clear that he had been hurt by the beat.

He testified himself during the trial and told him:

"I was hit with such force in the face that my glasses broke and the glass fragment cut me off four sections of the eye." I then found that I was Also had a distorted arm injury.I received what you call a "salva" in boxing world, "Madsen said during the trial according to the Danish BT.

Compensation claims

Madsen has not yet recovered its claims, so the representative of Madsen has chosen to return them.

According to Expressen, the defendant Madsen is sentenced to an additional three months in prison. He denies the crimes and claims that he defended himself after Madsen spoke of him.

Earlier this year, Peter Madsen appealed the life sentence he deserves after the murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall in the summer of 2017. The verdict did not change and determined what had already been decided – Peter Madsen should stay behind the lockout and crush his life. You can read more about it!

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