Filmfest weekend instead of film festival – Skövde Nyheter



Berit Lidell and Henrik Hedin from the Skövde Film Festival have the pleasure of being a film festival weekend.
Photo: Sara Nordqvist

"It's obviously sad that this is only the 25th time we have to settle down," says Henrik Hedin, head of the repertoire.

The Skövde Filmfestival is an ideal association with eight members of the board of directors. Although the commitment of the Board of Directors according to Henrik Hedin and Berit Lidell is great, it is not enough to bring together the film festival that the association had wanted and planned. The jubilee must therefore be placed in the ice until new order.

"We are too few and the work is getting too heavy," says Berit Lidell, president.

There were many members of the association who were disappointed when they were told. However, this is not the first time the festival is on ice and the association is about to celebrate the 25th festival, not just this year.

The films to be presented during the weekend are drawn from the list drawn up before the birthday and Henrik Hedin, repertoire manager, is very satisfied with the eleven selected films. On Friday, the film festival begins with the controversial film Young Astrid, followed by discussions between psychiatrist Håkan Andersson, the future board of Ylva Petterson in Skara and author Emma Hamberg.

In collaboration with the Gothenburg Film Festival, film teachers from Gothenburg will organize a film workshop for children born between 2004 and 2009 on Saturday. The children will create groups, with the help of Ipads, films that will appear as prefilms on Sunday.

The association is testing for the first time ticket sales on the web, where you can book tickets for each movie. However, to visit most film festivals, known as "closed views", it is necessary to obtain a membership card.

"Of course, we hope it will attract more people to continue to be a member," said Berit Lidell.

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