Dopopartita Milan-Juventus 0-2: Milan injured Easy change – Milan AC – Serie A


Dopopartita Milan-Juventus 0-2 Milan injured easy change


Milan did not really want to face Juventus and even ended the match with fewer players on time.

Width team

In a situation like Milan's, with a broken team that is not really excellent at first, it's important to try to make the most of the situation. Those who are stuck in the starting line and who are all in touch with the team and help the reserves that suddenly have time to play. The first half of the series was directly below standard and Calhanoglu got the type two draw in the entire match that was approved. Rodriguez defensive action, or defensive action deficient, and penalties and jailbreak of Higuain. And so has the quality of the reserves. We have big gaps between Milan and Juventus. Juventus replaces Douglas Costa. Milan passes to Borini.


Higuain had a terrible night and all situations with Benatia and all the tests made him overflow. Really useless and it comes at a time when we need it the least. Shortly after, most players were in a bad mood and Borini issued a warning that had only happened if Higuain had lost it completely. I am the last to advocate violence or disrespect on a football field. However, I like one thing. Everyone seemed really angry. Adrenal instincts and directly upset by the defeat against Juventus. If Gattuso leaves something in the current Milan before being fired (for a while, he is also), then do not be sorry to accept a defeat. The tilt is ok sometimes. It shows in a sign that the body of Milan is alive.


It is probably best that it lights up a bit now. With the injuries we have and the shape of some players available, and Higuain will probably miss some matches, Milan will find himself in a precarious position. It is now that we can destroy the season and it is also now that we can save the jump. I guess the winter window is a little challenging, because the players at our disposal have no room for CL as the damage begins to be felt.




2018-11-11 23:16:38


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