A Danish imam operating in a Copenhagen mosque is prosecuted


In January 2017, a new law against "hate negotiations" was introduced in Denmark, which would be a step towards intensifying work against radicalization and religious defenders.

For the first time against the new law, the Danish public prosecutor writes in a press release.

He is an imam who, according to Danish TV2, is active at the Masjid Al-Faruq Mosque in Copenhagen, who is responsible for the statements he should have uttered in connection with a preaching at the prayer of the Friday, March 31st last year.

– It's about rude statements, and I think it's quite right now that the court now has the opportunity to judge the case, says the Crown's substitute. Attorney General Eva Rönne, Danish Attorney General at TV2

. 19659006] The mosque filmed the sermon and downloaded the video on Youtube and Facebook. The clip will now be used as evidence against the imam in court.

According to the Danish Public Prosecutor, the sermon includes both the Imam 's own words and a quote from the Qur'an. According to the translation of the sermon by the Danish police, the Imam must in particular say:

– The Day of Judgment will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, so that the Muslims kill them and the Jews hide behind stones and trees. Muslim, O worship of God, there is a Jew behind me, then kill him. "

Eva Rönne, Deputy District Attorney, tells TV2 that it is legal to quote religious scriptures such as the Koran and the Bible, for example, he agrees to kill a popular group when the religious predecessor does the words at the same time.

She tells us that "it is still illegal to call for the murder of a popular group" but it is new that Denmark now has a law aimed at hatpredikningar She also states that crimes against the new law can give up to three years of imprisonment

Judicial Society Police Report

When the sermon was published on the Internet, the Jewish community in Denmark has reacted to the content and the police reported the imam.They say that the sermon "contains a poorly concealed instinct to the killing of the Jews" and that they are therefore convinced that the case has become legal. [19659002] – For us, there was no doubt about who the statement ion was headed, it was deeply disturbing, saying Dan Rosenberg Asmussen, president of the Jewish Society, at TV2

The case will be recorded in downtown Copenhagen


Imam: "I am subject to conspiracy"

The controversial imam did not want to comment on the prosecution, but he has already written a written interview with a newspaper Danish Christian and then rejected criticism, he believes that he is subject to a conspiracy.

"Politicians in the Western world and the media never stop attacking Islam and Muslims, their propaganda never ends, the Muslims are the real victims, not the others. , our mosques are burned, "he wrote to the Christian Daily Newspaper

He believes he predicted his words to prevent Muslims from criticizing Israel, the occupation of Palestine and Western governments

. Also, knowing that my words have been manipulated, "he wrote to the Christian newspaper

.The accusation will be resumed in the city of Copenhagen but the date is not yet fixed. In addition to violating the new law, he is also charged with racial crime, writes TV2.

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