A family of nine died in the waters


The strong storms that have blocked Italy in recent days continue to cause casualties. In the suburbs of Palermo, Sicily, nine people from the same family were found dead in a flooded residential building, reports the Italian news agency Ansa.

The Milicia River near Casteldaccia, where a family of nine died when their homes were flooded.picture: Ruggero Farkas / AP / TT

Among the nine family members, there was a toddler, a three-year-old and a fifteen-year-old. They were found with other victims in their home located in Casteldaccia, just south of Palermo, filled with water when a nearby river overflowed onto its shelves.

"It's a huge tragedy," said the mayor of the AFP news agency.

Three people survived, two of them because they went out to buy candy, one of them while climbing a tree.

Another person, a 44-year-old man, died in the floods in Vicari, southeast of Palermo, when the car that he traveled with was eclipsed by the river's water San Leonardo, according to Ansa.

In another accident, a man and a woman died when their car was driven into the waters of Agrigento, further south of Sicily.

Maria Wester, a Swedish broker who has lived in Sicily for ten years, explains that people are used to heavy rains and that they know for example which roads to avoid. But she has never helped to rain as hard and as long as now.

– It has been going on for any moment. There were giant skies, thunder and siroccovindar with a lot of sand. It rained and puffed so that you could not see a millimeter in front.

In total, it has been confirmed that more than 30 people were killed in the violent, persistent rainstorms that hit Italy last week. The water and the wind would also have caused material damage reaching billions of dollars.

Authorities are now viewing the main roads of the island.

The Italian Red Cross writes on Twitter that the situation is critical in many places and that hundreds of volunteers work continuously.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini made his way to the affected areas on Sunday and promised on Twitter that the government should provide all possible help.

The most affected regions are Sicily in the south, Venice and the port of Genoa, surrounded by the north. The picturesque fishing village of Portofino, outside Genoa, is half isolated from the outside world since the collapse of a road, which means that whoever wants to go there or come back is sent back to the sea.

The problem is the biggest problem, says a city hotel employee at TT.

– The road is broken, 300 meters are under water, but the army is on the spot and works there. Come here in March, so we solved the problem!

In Rapallo, nearby, luxury boats have been dumped in the water. Images published by the Italian media show the brutality and desolation along the promenade in this idyllic seaside resort.

The governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia, compared the damage caused by the disaster in the Venice region after the earthquake.

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