A family of nine found dead in flooded houses in Sicily | foreign


The storms continue to demand deaths in Italy. On the island of Sicily, in southern Italy, an entire family of nine was found dead in a flooded house near the Milicia River, the Ansa news agency reported.

Among the dead, there were two children in one and three years and a girl of fifteen. The tragedy occurred in Casteldaccia, in the province of Palermo.

Another man reportedly died in Palermo when his car was filled with water from the San Leonardo River.

Two other people are still missing in Sicily.

At the beginning of the week, many roads were flooded in Sicily and the authorities ordered the closure of schools and public parks.


Imperfect weight in Sicily
Sicily, the floods

Extreme weather all week

The whole of Italy, and in particular the coasts of Venice and Liguria, was badly affected by the storms of last week.

The death rate now rises to 30, including the last cases in Sicily.

The material damage is also important. In the Dolomites to the north, the storm has projected thousands of hectares of forest. The pictures show how trees were broken like matches in large areas.

In Liguria, strong winds crossed the coast with such force that luxury jets created noise holes along the beaches. The worst was the location in the small town of Rapallo.

The authorities describe the most extreme climate of Italy between 50 and 60 years old.

Luxury boats have rocked after the storms in Italy.

The boats were rinsed ashore in Rapallo
Luxury boats have rocked after the storms in Italy.
Image: AFP / Lehtikuva

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