A food package fell in a cave in Thailand – rescuers hope junior football is still alive | foreign


Rescuers in Chiang Rai, northern Thailand, are struggling against time to try to save football juniors imprisoned in a cave.

This morning, a new attempt was made by the divers to reach the place three kilometers further into the cave where they assume that they were in jail. However, the attempt failed, the dives failed to cross the filled passage of water.

The 12 boys aged 11 to 16 and their 25-year-old coach disappeared eight days ago when the main entrance to Tham Luang Cave was suddenly blocked in heavy rain.

The boys had probably entered the rain protection cave lasts after a football match in the neighborhood.

  Rescuers tried to pump water from the Thai cave.

Rescuers attempted to lower water levels by pumping.
Rescuers tried to pump water from the Thai cave.
Thailand, Cave, Tham Luang

Rescuers have now managed to release survival packages through the different estuaries of the cave. Packages include food and beverages, cell phones and flashlights.

Massive Rescue Prison

More than a thousand people, including people baffled by special military forces, participated in rescue attempts.

The island's rain ceased temporarily during the day and international cave rescue groups from the United States, China and Australia were able to get to the place.

  Australian rescuers at the cave.

Australian lifeguard on the outside of the cave.
Australian lifeguard at the cave.
Thailand, cave, rescue

The rescuers had a hard time getting through the cave system as the rain caused the water level to rise inside the cave and the masses of land to move.

Despite various measures, including pumping and drilling holes, the water level could not penetrate the distribution system.

The team comes from the station and players are told to familiarize themselves with the cave system that extends over a dozen kilometers into the mountains.

Desperate parents still waiting for the cave in the hope of good news.

The rescue team did not lose hope and yesterday she was practicing ambulance rescue so that the operation would go as smoothly as possible if the boys were found alive.

Sources: AP, AFP, Reuters

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