A new piece of nail for Angela Merkel: can she stay?


After only a year and a half in power, voters give subclasses for Merkel's last government. The Christian Democratic CDU and the Social Democrats, SPD, all have unequivocal figures that have sparked a debate on Chancellor Angela Merkel that should be replaced.

Right and left forward

During the elections in Bavaria, the sister party and government partner of the CDU, the CSU, lost more than 10% of voter support. The SPD provided as much support and was halved. Well done instead of The Green, who rushes suddenly like a rocket. The AFD, the highly nationalistic alternative for Germany, manages to win an increasing number of Central Party parties and sovereigns and is now under the authority of the 16 German states.

The opposition poles on migration

The green and the AFD are on the one hand in matters of immigration. For the population, the options are clear in a burning issue, unlike fragmented government parties.

The successor of Merkel

Parallel to the decline in electoral support, the tone of Merkel's internal criticism is becoming increasingly important. In the Social Democratic Party, it is important to withdraw from the government so as not to be completely destroyed. And for Merkel, speculations about his successor are going well.

The power struggle has begun

In the CDU, you wish to nominate potential successors. Merkel's favorites realize that the closer they get to her, the lower their chances.

Merkel said it would be her last term, but the duty-free chancellor did not want to leave his post prematurely. At the CDU party congress in December, a new party president will be elected. Angela Merkel wants to be reelected, but more and more votes are being raised on the need for renewal. The outcome of the elections in Hessen can be decisive for his chances of continuing to lead the CDU.

Segt Virkke

After thirteen years as Chancellor, Merkel has become a tough veteran who has survived many major crises and setbacks. She is considered a follower of the compromise and the maintenance of the bar in the event of a storm.

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