A new wind blows in Japan: the homogeneous country opens its doors to increased immigration – New vision of a taboo subject | foreign


The Japanese government plans to open the country to greater immigration. This is a controversial issue in Japan.

The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abes has approved a bill that opens the Japanese doors to foreign labor in some sectors in short supply.

This is a controversial subject in Japan that has so far attempted to avoid immigration. The focus has been on highly educated professional immigrants.

A new survey conducted by Yomiuri magazine shows that 51% of Japanese people would be willing to let low-skilled foreign workers into the country.

The debate on immigration is hot

Immigration has long been a taboo subject in Japan, where many believe the ethnic homogeneity.

But the reality also comes from the Japanese. The population is shrinking and aging, posing a challenge for the labor market.

The business world is putting pressure on politicians. The struggle for workers has become increasingly difficult.

Shinzo Abe

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
Shinzo Abe
Image: EPA-EFE / Kiyoshi Ota / SWIMMING POOL
Shinzo Abe, Japan

The members of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), Prime Minister, led a lively discussion on this issue within the party.

Two types of visa

According to the bill, there would be two categories of visas for foreigners in the future in areas where there is insufficient manpower.

The health care sector is one of the areas in which it is expected that a foreign workforce will be employed. There is also a shortage of workers in agriculture, construction and the hotel industry.

Workers in the first category of visa must have a certain level of competence and also knowledge of Japanese. They would not take their family members for a stay not exceeding five years.

Higher-level people – in the second category – should bring their families and stay longer in the country.

Worried about changes

Many fear that the new laws will lead to an increase in crime and that wages will be calculated at a disadvantage.

The opposition accused the government of being useless and not protecting the rights of foreign workers

According to a Japanese think tank, the ruling party has been affected by the business sector where the number of workers is very high.

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