A newspaper erased anti-Semitic quotes from politicians


Last Friday, the network's newspaper published a longer interview with politician Fi and parliamentary candidate Oldoz Javidi about his involvement in Ship to Gaza and his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In one of the responses, Javidi expresses his personal dream of a "solution" to the conflict that the Jewish population is expected to emigrate to the United States

when the newspaper's editor and editor Editor responsible Anna-Klara Bratt A few days later, attention was drawn to the statement – by the readers and by the interviewee himself who wanted to delete the paragraph – Bratt chose to delete it of the article, referring to "contrary to good publicist practice and to be interpreted as anti-Semitic".

A wording that has drawn attention and criticism, including the Swedish Anti-Semitism Committee, which asks Fi to clarify the definition of anti-Semitism. The organization also thinks it's worrying that no critical issue of Javidi's "dreams" has been placed in the original article.

Can you understand that you can be perceived as protecting the interviewee, a parliamentary candidate by your actions?

– I understand that it may sound so. But the truth is that the article just passed. We woke up late. Then we may think that we removed it to protect it, but we removed it because it is anti-Semitic and contradicts our publicist attitude, "says Anna-Klara Bratt

Bratt Further explains that the newspaper, which refers to As an independent feminist, she has the attitude of never interviewing people or politicians that she perceives as undemocratic. For example, she gives the leader of the Swedish Democratic Party Jimmie Åkesson

– We do not want to make us a publicist mouthpiece for racist or historical opinions, she said.

have for attitude?

– Yes, I understand all the criticism and it is legitimate. But that is another type of article. One of the mistakes is that she does not receive any additional question directly.

How the statement in this case could have been transmitted by the Israeli and French media before the editors responsible for the newspaper react, explains Anna-Klara Bratt The reasons were made by email. The article was not corroborated before its publication

– But there is no explanation for excusing it, says Anna-Karin Bratt.

On Thursday, politician Fi took Oldoz Javidi in a Facebook post same distance from his previous statement:

"My statement was unacceptable." There is nothing I can to say sorry, I understand the criticism and I am extremely sorry, I realize that I need to increase my knowledge to restore confidence in myself and my political work, "she writes.

Anna-Karin Bratt plans to publish two new articles on the subject, one of which follows the statement and asks questions The other explains how the original publication went and where the newspaper stands. is broken.

Feminist Perspective was formed in 2011 and presents itself as a politically discrete and independent political party. The newspaper does not have a regular right page, on the other hand, a page of opinion, and is funded by subscriptions and press support.

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