A Saudi source: Jamal Khashoggi burst into the carpet


According to the anonymous Saudi leader, the 15 Saudis who came to Istanbul with a state-affiliated plan on October 2 threatened Khashoggi with drugs and kidnapping. When he was not yet moved, but the voice was high, one of them would have taken a hold that would have killed the reporter.

The corpse It was rolled on a carpet and pulled out of the consulate, but that will not be apparent in the reproduction if it was subsequently cut as claimed by the Turkish authorities. To support the lie that Khashoggi left the consulate, one of the fifteen would have put on his clothes, his bells and his glasses. After that, the man will be out the back door of the consulate.

The carpet should have been left to a local employee to remove. Until Saturday, Saudi Arabia refused everything bad, but stubborn Turkish leaks and persistent pressures from the outside world finally prevented Saudi Arabia from confirming Khashoggi's death at the consulate.

Ally as Bahrain and, like Trump, Egypt has welcomed King Salman's consent and message to immediately reform the Saudi intelligence apparatus. Many other actors such as the European Union, the UN and human rights organizations have expressed criticism and persistent demands for an appropriate investigation into the case, including the organ itself, for example.

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