A shot at a demonstration in Nicaragua


Gunmen opened fire on Saturday against a barricade that students traveled to UNAN University in Managua. According to the CENIDH human rights organization, they killed a man, reports the AFP news agency

When the twentieth of injured at UNAN, whose a critic, the great demarcation train changed course and pronounced against the university. El Nuevo Diario was also cut.

Witnesses saw about twenty men masked and armed, in plain clothes, hidden in private property in the southeast of Managua, the day before Saturday's march. They opened fire on the protesters and killed a 23-year-old man, the newspaper writes.

The AFP news agency quotes Luis Ortiz, the father of the 23-year-old who fought with Daniel Ortega in the 1970s:

is incomprehensible difficult. I could never imagine that my son would die in the hands of someone I was fighting so hard with.

He adds:

– I am still a Sandinist, but not with Daniel!

The Health and Human Rights Movement CPDH reports that eight people were transported to Managua Hospital with damage during the protest and five were cared for in cars health care. According to the CPDH, they were injured in the stomach and legs

. Demonstrations were held on Saturday in several parts of the country and other cases of violence were reported. In the city of León, a young man of eight bullets was injured.

More than 220 people were killed in the two and a half months of critical government protests that were brutally killed. The protesters ask Ortega to leave. He is accused of introducing nepotism, dictatorship and brutal oppression in Nicaragua.

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