A violent earthquake shakes the paradise island of Lombok in Indonesia


The mighty earthquake on the Indonesian island of Lombok occurred 6.47 Sunday morning local time. The epicenter of Skalv is located just over one kilometer southwest of Lelongken and has a depth of 7 kilometers, according to the United States Geological Authority. At least three people have died, says the authority of Indonesia's disaster.


Lombok is located just east of Bali, and the scale felt all the way to the nearby island . Carl Höglund, who is on vacation in Nusa Dua in south Bali, was awoken just before the tremor of the 7th hotel room

– The whole room trembled – paintings, lamps and decor. It feels really real, says Carl Höglund

– It's always shocking and I wonder what happens when the inside of the room shakes suddenly, he continues.

He is not worried but quickly seeks information about the event.

– We live in the open sea so you can start by checking if there is a tsunami warning.

No evacuation order was issued at the hotel

The devastation occurred on the Indonesian island of Lombok

Two replicas [19659011TwootheraftershocksoccurredlessthananhourafterthefirstearthquakeAccordingtoCarlHöglundtheydidnotreallyfeelinBaliandby9ameverythingwasquietinNusaDuaHesawnodamagetothehotel

Indonesia is located in the so-called Eldringen with many volcanoes and a high risk of earthquake. In December 2004, an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1 beyond Sumatra caused the major tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia.

At present, no tsunami warning has been issued after the Lombok earthquake

. 19659004 The text is being updated.

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