Abba Stars Ultimatum – The turn after criticism


Next Friday, July 20, the film "Mamma Mia! Here we go again" is presented world premiere

The film is also based on the music of Abbas and the musical success "Mamma Mia! ". On Wednesday, many stars were in Stockholm to talk about the big movie of the summer.

Among others, Pierce Brosnan, who celebrated the following without reservations:

– This is a unique film for me, a film that I am very close to heart. The scene where Cher sings "Super Trouper" is the history of cinema. I'm very proud.

However, the route to the bioprimer was not a spikrak.

English director Ol Parker claims that Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson must be convinced that the film could be released.

– I sent on my first manuscript and put myself on a plane to meet. The mission was simply to sell the idea for them.

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"Very suspicious"

The process was a bit like selling sand to the Arabs

– They were very suspicious and asked a lot of questions. But I understand at the same time that they hesitated. They must be afraid of their heritage, and have really enjoyed their music over the years.

Film producer Judy Craymer, initiator of the whole "Mamma Mia!" Concept:

– Björn and Benny tend to be very cautious. We had a heated discussion about this film, she says in a typical British subdivision

"May Say Thirdly"

Björn and Benny almost seek to hug each other when their opposites talk

Members Abba are the executive producers of the film, which means that they have approved the actors ("they must know that they can sing") and have the last word on the music. This role was a prerequisite for them to approve the entire project.

– We have the final cut and can say the crossing. But he has never been that far. You talk along the way and find solutions, Benny says.

Björn and Benny make their cameo in the movie. Björn appears as an English teacher in one scene, Benny as a barpianist in another.

– To thank you for acting was easy. They asked, and so we said okay. We could not resist the offer.

Criticism was a misunderstanding

In an interview with the English Daily Mail, Benny Andersson criticized the Universal Universal film company during the shoot: "Universal Pictures had a lot of success with" Mamma Mia! "to make a new one … they want to make a copy, they play with sure cards."

At the Express says Benny:

– This is a misunderstanding. What I was talking about is the lack of Hollywood to film the same story. I did not specifically mention Mom Mia. It's a new story.

– I do not mind repeating myself, but you know – how good was "Grease 2"? He added ironically.

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"The Most Renewable"

Björn Ulvaeus explains: [19659002] – The latest movie is the most revenue generating music movies I understand. So it was not to say yes anyway.

– The question was, would that be so interesting? It took time to think, but then a scenario became reality. They were persistent at the movie company, Benny said with a cheeky smile.

Stellan Skarsgård, who returns in the new "Mamma Mia!" – the movie:

– Universal was hot on the floor and wanted to record a sequel right after first movie.

Actress Lily James recounts the careful review of Björn and Benny before the lead role is added.

– I was so nervous before going to Stockholm to meet them I did not talk to anyone for a whole week. I wanted to save on the voice. But they were so cool. It was an amazing experience. Benny sits at his piano and we sang together

Actress colleague Amanda Seyfried, in turn, said she was close to thanking the new film.

– When my agent called me and asked the question, I shouted at me. "It was as if the story had been told.But because" Mia Mia "was my first major role, I read the screenplay and made a whole revolution.

Like Others.

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