After bitter battles – the German government is now in agreement on foreign refugee policy


In the German government, Christian Democrats and Social Democrats have now been able to agree on how to move forward in refugee politics. The question has led in recent weeks to bitter battles that may have even governed the government

First, the battle between the Cypriot CSU and Chancellor Angela Merkels CDU was found.

CSU would begin to reject registered refugees in other Merkel adopted a European solution that would not harm relations with neighboring countries

After Christian Democrats agreed on Monday the Social Democrats and their relations with the Compromise were directed against

. ] Famous Establishments

What the Social Democrats after Monday's agreement have most criticized are the planned transit centers on the border with Austria.

Here, a quick procedure is used to determine whether refugees have the opportunity to stay in Germany or not.

The idea is that the process in the centers should correspond to that underway in some airports.

The Social Democrats were against this solution in 2015 and therefore, as a first step, it has now been agreed to call the transfer centers.

There should also be no special facilities at the border, but it should be run in a number of police stations near the German-Austrian border.

Less rejected

In the future, Germany will reject refugees who have already applied for asylum in another EU country

This is also a change compared to the internal agreement of the Christian Democrats since the beginning of the week.
Instead, he was talking about all refugees registered in other EU countries.

The change therefore considerably reduces the number of refugees who will actually be arrested at the border and rejected.

According to the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Horst Seehofer there will be hardly more than five people a day.

However, the hard point of the plan is to reject refugees to EU countries not members of the EU.

In these cases, the refugees will return to neighboring Austria, but this now presupposes an agreement that the German government has not yet negotiated.

The Austrian Government underlined that

Social Democrats satisfied

The President of Social Democracy, Andrea Nahles, is especially satisfied that there is no border camp .

It also stresses that the solution means at the same time Germany will not deal alone on the issue of refugees.

Even from a Christian Democrat point of view, it is established that the German agreement will not be imputed to other countries of the EU.

– This is a sign of cooperation with the partner countries, says Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, general secretary of the CDU

. The compromise also indicates that this year, an immigration team for Germany will be created at the initiative of the Social Democrats. 19659025] See also

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