After suspicion of a crime of doping – this happens now in the case of Meraf Bahta


The sports magazine revealed Thursday that Swedish striker Meraf Bahta is suspected of doping offense.

However, despite the suspicion, Bahta is allowed to participate in the European Championship

– A practitioner suspects a stay. Tommy Forsgren, Deputy Director of the Swedish Anti-Doping Department, at Sportbladet

Bahta not being automatically dismissed, it belongs to the Swedish Federation to which the case applies, in the occurrence athletics association, to decide whether the practitioner can still participate.

– I do not want to talk about individual athletes, but purely process-oriented, it's a sportsman who is suspected of doping to participate in championships, competitions and matches. Then it's a Swedish federation that can decide if the participant is allowed to participate, says Tommy Forsgren at Sportbladet and elaborates:

– According to the anti-doping rules, certain offenses mean an automatic closure during the investigation, and others not.

No sanctions of the federation

When the Sportblad gets in touch with Stefan Olsson, general secretary of the Swedish Friidrottsförbund, he says this about the situation:

"First of all, I think that it is extremely important to point out that there are not yet any criminal charges.We have submitted an application for re-evaluation to the Anti-Doping Commission, together with the person concerned, and we believe that one of the missions will be suppressed, he says and states:

– From the federation there are no sanctions against practitioner.The person himself can make his own decisions, but we

According to Sportbladet data, Meraf Bahta missed three anti-doping tests, which, according to Tommy Forsgren, leads to the suspicion of a crime of doping.

– You must report where you are, where you where to sleep and where to travel, and every day, you have to tell where you are for at least 60 minutes of the day, says Forsgren and continues:

– Then athletes can also be tested for the remaining 23 hours. If you are not in place during the time, you are told that you will be available, you will get a point. Three offenses may constitute a violation of the doping rules.

"Two Chances to Sharpen"

Tommy Forsgren states that delinquency one and two does not involve any doping offense or doping suspicion.

– In principle, you have two chances to shake and make sure the reports you are making are correct, he explains.

What are the types of gaps?

– The There are two different types of discrepancies: You do not report or you are not in the place you stated you should be. The first is no longer an administrative offense. Once established with three points, there is an alleged violation of the doping rules.

How does the survey itself work?

– The case first goes to the anti-doping commission office. If they consider that there is a violation of the rules, they must be forwarded to the doping committee and the athlete can give his or her own point of view, and the prosecutor can produce the evidence.

How long can it take?

"If you talk at the time, you do not consider the interests of athletes when it comes to competitions, matches and training. own life and must be done for reasons of legal certainty.We try to keep the secret as long as possible.

Asked a quick process

Stefan Olsson of the Athletics Association tells us that a fast process was requested in this case.

– We wished the Anti-Doping Commission the case is legal, but fast, he said.

In the case of Meraf Bahta, Regardless of the duration of the investigation, however, the Swedish Friidrottsförbund may choose to let the 29-year-old player participate in the Berlin European Championship in August, however any participation may involve risks.

– If you let the suspected practitioner participate, the medi And the records will be canceled if the practitioner fails the doping advice, says Tommy Forsgren.

Neither Guilty nor Dope

to point out that a practitioner suspected of staying in the hierarchy is not required to be guilty of the crime himself and to be baptized.

– It is possible that you have committed a doping offense.

This is a report of a report

A report of a report can be two things: [19659036] ✓ Does not indicate where to stay for the day
You are not at the place you specified to be

Then a practitioner suspected of crime:

When he committed three delinquencies, and therefore received three points.

Operation of the investigation:

The case is referred to the prosecution if there is anti-doping rule violation. If this is the case, the case will be forwarded to the doping committee where the suspect will have the opportunity to comment, and the prosecutor before his testimony.

How long does an investigation last?

The time required. The survey does not take into account the interests of the competition and the training of the practitioner

Is a practitioner suspected of reporting a crime participating in the championship?

Yes, it is decided by the federal case. However, prices and records may be waived if the practitioner in question is found guilty of the doping committee.

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