After the attack on the film recording – Johnny Depp is now suing


Johnny Depp, 55, was at the top of the charts recording the new police scene "City of Lies" when he had problems on the recording site.

Gregg "Rocky" Brooks was employed to take over the film's recording sites and he states that Johnny Depp had hired two of his friends to participate in a scene. Brooks believes that the scene did not work well and told the director that they could only move.

When Brooks went to talk to Johnny Depp about the situation, the movie star became furious and started screaming at Brooks.

– Who the hell are you? You do not have the right to tell me what to do! Depp shouted, according to the site.

READ MORE: The sudden turn of Johnny Depp – after the images of horror

According to the lawsuit, Johnny Depp then shared two shots that met Gregg "Rocky" Brooks in the chest. When Brooks did not react, despite the battle, the movie star continued to shout at him.

– I'm going to give you $ 100,000 if you hit me now, Johnny Depp.

Eventually, the movie star's bodyguards lifted it off the stage.

Film about the assassination of Tupac Shakur

Johnny Depp has the head in the crime scene based on the reality "City of lies". The film is based on the book, with the same name, which concerns the investigation of the killing of rap stars of the 1990s Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B.I.G.

Johnny Depp plays Russell Poole who led the investigation into the murder. Forest Whitaker plays Jackson reporter who joined the police to try to uncover the truth about the murder.

Russel Poole died on August 19, 2015 from a heart attack when he went to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to discuss the murders of Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B.I.G.

The film is in first later this year.


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