After the death of Axevalla – it's happening now


Trippeltravelshelgen takes a tragic departure when the Miss Bubbly horse collapses and dies after finishing the fifth race on Friday night, V5-3

Lars Ågren is a sports administrator and also a reference for the fleet at Axevalla.

– It's very tragic that it happens, and especially for everyone around the horse.

ALSO READ: The tragic beginning of Trippeltravet – horse died on the track: "Becomes lazy"

2016, Red Pimp – led by Björn Goop – collapsed immediately after to have started and died in Axevalla. It's under the triple trip V75 on Saturday

– it's not very often that it happens. The last thing that happened here was two years ago, then it was also the triple weekend. Before that, it must have been a very long time, I do not even remember it.

The next race had a silent defiliation, while Miss Bubbly was taken by the banana to shocked spectators

– Now the horse will be observed in Uppsala. At this moment you have no idea what has happened. Lars Ågren said something broke inside him, a moment after the tragic event.

PHOTOGRAPHIC NOTE: The diary has asked veterinarian Björn Sandgren but has not yet reached

ALSO READ: Recordable hearing at the beginning of the trip

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