After Thomas Markle's private relegation about Meghan – does she break contact now?


Now he has relaunched the media, Thomas Markle, Meghan's controversial father. More and more reporters spoke to him and it seems like there was a knot on the thread between him and the girl.

Thomas Markle, 73, spoke on British television for journalists Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid. Then he told him how had heart surgery gone and that it was sad to miss the marriage between Meghan and Prince Harry. But also about what he was talking about on the phone with Prince Harry and that his Meghan wanted to have kids. You know things so private that you can not spread, especially if your daughter is now part of the very private British royal family.

This was for obvious reasons an interview that made many people go to bed. When Meghan heard about what he was talking about, she became very upset and apparently did not speak to her after the father's TV interview. For now, he has once again spoken to reporters such as Royal Daily Mail reporter Richard Kay and the gang behind the TMZ slot machine site, which had already been in close contact with Thomas Markle

. He simply did not hear anything from London, nor does he know when he will be able to meet the newly married couple.

– I have not received any day pass from Meghan. And if Queen Elizabeth can take the time to meet with President Trump, she has no excuse for not meeting me either. I'm not on long roads as horrible as him!

Thomas also says that he still hopes to meet the couple and, with hesitation, also Queen Elizabeth. The thought was that they would come to Mexico to meet him, "said Thomas, but now he has not heard a voice about any trip for them.

– En at this moment, I can not travel because of my heart, he explains

It is also said that several large broadcasters have offered Meghans Papa large sums of money to make new television interviews. said he'll probably accept one of the offers, he's not directly stormy and desperately wants to talk to reporters about what's going on in his life.We just say – poor Meghan!

Photo: Stella Pictures

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