After violent criticism: Finland offers help for the extinction of Sweden


After doubting for several weeks, Finland finally helped Sweden put out the forest fires that landed in July.

– We offered a fire extinguisher to the Swedish authorities Response of the surveillance officer Raimo Ruuska to the Ministry of the Interior

Finland offered to send about 35 firefighters and a dozen vehicles in Sweden. According to the Ministry of the Interior, it takes about 24 hours to send the unit if Sweden confirms that it is receiving help.

Firefighters, tanks and field vehicles are to be released from relief stations in Lapland, Savolax and Oulu. who can be released for foreign needs.

The Interior Ministry has been the subject of very sharp criticism because of its reluctance to help Sweden in its work of extinction. Sweden has already received assistance from Denmark, Norway, Poland, Lithuania, Germany, France and Italy, who have sent material and equipment to staff to support steep extinction works. who guesses Sweden. "- Rami Ruuska, chief inspector at the Ministry of the Interior

Is this the harsh criticism behind your decision?

– This is not the criticism that hides behind the We have been discussing this for a long time and have assessed Sweden's needs in relation to our own ability to offer assistance Ruuska says: […] Sweden has asked for help for helicopters that could be involved in the extinction of the work Why Finland does not offer such help?

– If the border guards sent helicopters to Sweden, this would relate to the hourly resources reserved for our

Is not this an administrative issue that can be adjusted as needed? "Helicopters are also needed in Finland, for example, for shipwrecks at sea. We can not compromise our own safety because of the fires live in Sweden. It is up to the border guards to decide whether they want to send helicopters to Sweden or not

Can Finland send more units to Sweden in addition to the aircraft that is now ready?

– It can be a lot Well, it happens. The device needs replacements that can trigger it. It all depends on the needs of home rescuers and the ability to offer help.

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