Alexandra Zazzi is injured in the shoulder in the biggest loser VIP 2018



Alexandra Zazzi is hurting the shoulder in the biggest VIP VIP loser.

The sudden pain made her worried.

"I have such physical occupation and I am dependent on the function of my shoulder," she told Nöjesbladet.

Alexandra Zazzi, 52 and Erik Hörstadius, 53, collected 2,741 calories together in a temptation competition. Zazzi managed to consume 888 calories for three minutes in a room filled with chocolate, chips, sweet drinks, cakes and deli – Erik Hörstadius 1,853 calories.

Together, they gained immunity at almost weigh-in – provided they do not gain weight before that date.

The injury to the shoulder of Alexandra Zazzi could not be more innocuous. But she does not regret her contribution to the temptation contest.

– Not at all. I figured out how many calories I could eat and therefore I used my calories. I chose to eat the calories I would eat that day and did not eat any more. I felt that I was at the height of where I would be, "she says, continuing to laugh:

"You can be a little tactical.

Damaged shoulder

The accident occurred during a hard training session outdoors. Alexandra Zazzi shot a weight cart on a gravel road when she suddenly collapsed in pain.

– Something woke up with this cart. It was like putting a knife in my shoulder. It has been soaked. I used the shoulder incorrectly and it was obviously not good for that.

Alexandra Zazzi was injured in the shoulder during her trip to Paris in 2013. She was injured in the nerve and cut the biceps. Zazzi operated the well, but since then he has lived with his weaker than before.

Were you worried when you hurt the program?

"I felt terrified just because I know that I have a weakened shoulder with which I struggle daily because I have a physical occupation and that I am dependent on this activity for work." J & # 39; I'm always afraid it'll get worse.

Stopped from training

The medical staff helped her to calm down against his shoulder. Later, however, Alexandra Zazzi also went to hospitals to do an X-ray of her shoulder. It turned out that she had a muscle explosion.

1 of 6 | Photo: TV4

Ur "the biggest loser VIP".

"What I was most afraid of was that I could not train at the same level as the others, and I could not do it either, it made me feel good." J & # 39; I have two legs of work, so it has become a lot of legs instead, but when you have an anterior injury, you are also affected mentally.Secondly, one is about to suffer a pain in the body that requires energy, and there is always fears of aggravating it.Of course, it was a psychological stress to relay it again.I was quite frustrated for a while.

TV4 and the coach Mikael Hollsten knew Zazzis gamle axelskada.

Should they have taken more responsibility and given you another training plan?

"No, I should have known better than I should not do that kind of pressure exercises with my shoulder." I'm an adult, so I think I can take my responsibility myself.

"The biggest loser VIP" broadcasts Mondays at 21:00 on TV4 and TV4 Play.

Biggest Loser, transformations 0:42

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