Amelia Adamo about sleep deprivation


What are you doing now in life?

– I'll be when someone screams. Preferably for payment, because I'm retired. I read and participate in the panel proceedings. My experience is used in different ways, which is nice. The professional life for me has meant so much love and appreciation, and then it is difficult to get rid of it. As I am cohabiting, I get another wave of lovebombing thanks to the work I do

Have you always enjoyed working?

– Yes, I think I liked working most of all. I usually say that I've been a good mother and a pretty bad lady – but good at work.

"The professional life for me has meant so much love and appreciation," Amelia says.


"Never know when the happy days come out"

How are you in the summer of 2018?

– We are much happier that you are young. We seem to feel the best as long as the body lasts and you do not have dementia. It will be a very good time, and I can also experience it. You are much safer and do not have such requirements. We never know when these happy days end, which makes you very attentive.

Amelia Adamo

Name: Amelia Anna Valeria Adamo

Occupation: Retired, Newspaper Consultant, Speeches

Family: Children, granddaughter and grandfather father Lucio Benvenuto

Alive: Hornstull and Dalarö in Stockholm

What is your best memory of Almedalen where we are now?

– I remember being out of DJ Battle on Kalli last year or earlier. The guard would not let me in and said, "You're not on the list." Then I explained that I had a friend and asked if I could # 39; have. But I did not understand. Then I said, "I'm calling Amelia Adamo," and then he replied, "It does not matter if you're calling Princess Birgitta." That's what he remembered the princesses.

READ MORE: Then Amelia Adamo Bouclie a Conjugate in the Testament

Amelia Adamo to the Memoirs of Barbro "Lill-Babs" Svensson in the Great Church of Stockholm earlier this year .


"My driving force has always been money"

How about Amelia 20 years old if you get the chance?

– There is a new era, a breathtaking flourishing keeps you in shape. So opens up a whole new world. I would say, "Fight on, because you are in the age of the fight, build something, and for the sake of God, get a good retirement." People always asked what was my driving force, and I always answered "money". From the beginning it was so. Money to have a life other than my old suburban life.

Amelia Adamo at Mingel's Industry Today at Almedalen 2018.


"Trying to Let Him Depend on"

Finns what do you regret in your life?

– My big mistakes are not professional, but private. Neglect of children, when I worked too much, or the negligence of men. If I had known what consequences this sloppy would bring, I would be more considerate. When you finish your job, no one will thank you, but relationships with your family last forever. What became a pain for me was just family life. That little hand that I held for a little while, because I was so rushed from kindergarten.

What is the worst investment you have ever made?

– My worst sleep was when I was able to build a Dalaro house. I am in poor conditions, so money means something to me. I had no control at all. It caused tremendous anxiety and addiction to sleep loss.

How did you get rid of it?

– I did not do it, I try to get rid of it now. My body has learned to fall asleep this way. It's a very small and beautiful tablet, so nobody thinks I'll be a novelist tablet. But it is clear that it is an addiction which I will eventually try to get rid of.

Five quick questions to Amelia

What did you think of flying on this flight?

– I was thinking of what I will talk about during Almedal week, like Haning's housing policy – and I tried to fool Annie Lööf who was behind me.

When did you cry last?

– Tonight I listened to Ahmed Abdirahman 's summer program in P1. I am very touched by the kindness.

What is your most embarrassing memory?

– I had an intestinal problem. He is gassed and tense. This can be difficult when you have a new type and you must suddenly run on mildew – which has a very thin door. Haha.

What kind of music do you feel ashamed of because you like it?

– There is probably a kind of a little silly chaos, "Happy Street" and so on. I've always liked that, even though it's often very bad texts.

What do you do when no one sees?

– Then I allow myself to be ugly.

What would you say if you met Jesus in the street?

– "Are you there?" I am an old Catholic, so I am raised with nuns. I would be very surprised, and maybe a little happy.


TO KNOW MORE: The decision of Amelia Adamo: to withdraw

"This is the best story in the world, which would be true." do not like curiosity "

Who are you really behind the headlines?

– I think I am me You can not stand to be two different people for so long. My private life has always been part of my journalism, and what has happened to me has been very open. It's thanks to my education that I've been so transparent. My mother told me very early that "Swedes do not like to be curious, but you should be curious, otherwise you will not discover it."

Amelia Adamo in Visby with Expressen Mattias Knutson.



"I was looking forward to it"

If you summed up your life in a box, what would it be?

– I thought it would be on my tombstone for a long time. It would be something like, "It went a lot better than I thought." Maybe I did not think it would be so good. Today, I talk a lot about super talent, but I was not super talent at 30 years old. I looked forward to it. You become something with time, like a wine. A little better, a little better, and unfortunately a little more complete.

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