An alleged killer is hunted in Oslo


Heikki Bjørklund Paltto, 24, has never come to work as planned on Monday.

Instead, he was found murdered in the apartment he shared with three others, reports the Norwegian VG.

The murder was committed Monday morning.

The same day, a knife was taken in a nearby garage where Heikki Bjørklund Paltto was found dead.

In connection with the theft, the suspect got rid of his cell phone and a leather case.

The police came out with photos

Now, the Norwegian police have distributed pictures of what she suspects of being both murder and knife.

The images come from a surveillance camera from Skøyen station in Oslo. Your police think the police wanted to leave the scene of the assassination.

One of the pictures shows a tattoo on the man's hand, but for VG, the police say that she no longer wants to talk about it.

After the photos were released by the police on Friday, a witness heard about the police.

This tells him that early Monday morning he woke up knocking on the front door.

"When I opened the door, he stood there and looked scared.He asked about a glass of water.I closed and locked the and took a glass of water while I was out and waiting, said the witness to VG.

The witness now believes that the person who knocked on the door is the same person as the one requested by the police.

– I still feel the face and the mustache. And the tattoo, said the witness to VG.

Witness: "He spoke Swedish"

The man should also have spoken Swedish.

"He spoke Swedish, mumbled and spoke badly, but he was polite," said the witness to VG.

The police confirm that VG has received the evidence from the witness.

"We have received this information and it is of course important information," says Grete Lien Metlid to the Oslo police.

At the same time, they searched in the vicinity of the murder scene and obtained some evidence.

– There have been other conclusions, it is true. All the conclusions have been submitted to a technical investigation, says Grete Lien Metlid.

But they can not tell if they know who they want.

"We are an investigative phase where we can not go into details about it.Nobody was seized, but we received a lot of information and a lot more advice after we communicated this information yesterday, said Grete Lien Metlid.

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