Anders Olsson: The invasion of new members late


When the Swedish Academy met on Thursday, one member was lower than last week. The academy of the Academy continues. On Wednesday, theologian and religious philosopher Jayne Svenungsson announced in a press release that she had left the department.

When the permanent secretary, Anders Olsson, left the meeting on Thursday in Börshuset, in the old town, he declared that he "regretted" this interruption.

"It's very boring.

What is happening now?

– We continue the process. We must choose new members, but we will eventually do it, not immediately.

What is the result of the consequences for the work to come?

– The consequences are obvious, we must fill a vacancy. Only then will we continue, Anders Olsson said.

In the press release, Jayne Svenungsson explained that she had reached an "end of the road" for a number of reasons. "I sincerely and deeply hope that the Academy will once again become what it has been, a valuable institution of Swedish culture," she continued.

Since last spring, four members have asked to retire: they were previously inactive, Kerstin Ekman and Lotta Lotass, as well as Klas Östergren and Sara Stridsberg. Three other members – Sara Danius, Peter Englund and Kjell Espmark – have left the daily work of the academy.

In October, standing a majority of Academy members who had a letter of intent that Katarina Frostenson would leave her chair. Last week it was clear that Frostenson would not volunteer to leave the academy and that a new investigation would now be opened to determine if she had violated the Academy's statutes.

Until we had to add the new survey, Anders Olsson would not comment.

– We do not know yet. We are in the middle of the process.

Anders Olsson did not mean either who will conduct the investigation.

Read more: Rökridåer on explanations of Svenungsson's departure, writes Björn Wiman

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