Anger in the hedge after the mistake: "He wants to kill him"


Jonas Olsson seized Alexander's throat Jeremejeff

The middle ended in yellow – something that pushed Häcken's coach to run

– He wants it kill, basically, Andreas Alm told C More

The Djurgården imposes against Häcken after a late goal of Aliou Badji.

Andreas Alm is disappointed after the match – but especially for an incident between Jonas Olsson and Alexander Jeremejeff.

The players clashed several times and at one point Jonas Olsson ran his hands around Jeremejeff's neck and got a yellow card

– Everyone sees it, the judges, everything. To get a stupid team and then stay on schedule … I do not understand what the rules say about it, that it will not be a red card, Andreas Alm said after in C Plus and was very upset


] – Can you do it in Swedish football? I'm just wondering. He wants to kill him, basically. He says: "You would like to iron yourself so that you do not live anymore". I think it's sad, continues he

C More: What are strong words, Andreas?

– Yes, but it's a stupid day. Is it too strong based on what you see?

C Plus: We do not know if he tries to kill him …

– No, but when we take a burglary, what is often on?

– I think it's sad that you do it and that you play when all the judges will see it, "said Alm in conclusion.

At the press conference that followed, the Coach had collected a little – but stuck to what he said in a TV interview.

"Difficult to breathe"

– I'm disappointed that Jonas Olsson could stay on the palm. that it is a demonstration of power that a returner and a captain take a stupid team on an opponent, he says first and continues:

– All that a signal stupid reports, this is not a hug, but a stupid team and grows harder, the other is hard to breathe.

Jonas Olsson has already claimed in all the English that he would relegated to his offenses on the football field.

A line in which Andreas Alm is after Sunday's game at the arena a Tele2.

] – This is the color we are on the road, the referee has a different level in some players. Looks like I'm a bad loser, but stryptag is beyond the border.

– It suits me to tell Jonas to hit Jeremejeff twice in the first place.

Ozcan Melkemichel was invited to comment on the incident between Olsson and Jeremejeff

– Difficult to answer. I see the situation, but I do not see how bad this situation is.

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