Angry drum attack after the shock of Congress – Pages


In the future, we will know clearly what good work we have done, "Trump told a press conference at the White House after the elections, as part of the many campaign meetings held before the elections .

Republicans continue in the Senate and therefore they also look like victories.

But the positive tone changed after a while. Trump asserted that his party was working in adverse conditions because of the reporting he describes as hostile.

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A happy Mitt Romney, recently elected Republican Senator from Utah, poses with a supporter.

Attack the media

Trump notably attacked one of the journalists of the CNN media company, calling him a rude and terrible person. This since the reporter asked about the president's campaign film, accused of racism.

You are the enemy of the people, he said about the media.

The release of control of the House of Representatives, which has been under the Republican regime for eight years, fails. He can put sticks in the wheel for the president's policy.

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A choir chooses at a polling station in Brunswick, United States, in the state of Maine.

Democrats are also eager to win the House with a relatively wide margin. According to Real Clear Politics, the party – before all votes were finally finalized – had 222 seats against 197 for the Republicans. According to the calculations of the liberal media company NBC News, Democrats will have 230 seats and Republicans 205 seats.

A lot of women

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Republican candidate Senator Mike Braun at a campaign meeting in Indiana. Stock Photography.

Many of the new members are women and represent minorities. Californian Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who has led the minority in recent years, is likely to be a new speaker.

A democratic congress will work for solutions that bring us together, we have had enough disagreement. The American people want peace. They want results, Pelosi said in his victory.

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Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown kisses his family after his victory in Ohio.

However, a difficult balance is expected. Pelosi must strike a balance between the radical far-left Democrats, who want the party to launch aggressive investigations and initiate a lawsuit against Trump, and more pragmatic middle-class politicians – while referring to the White House.

Åsard: Choose the battle

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Congressional Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who would be a spokesperson, is in favor of the cheers of her party mates.

Even before Trump told the media he was hoping for congressional cooperation.

It is now time for members of both parties to join forces to deflect party thinking, he said, among other things, on the infrastructure initiatives to be accepted by the parties.

Trump said that many things could be accomplished together, adding that there was a good chance of reaching an agreement.

But Erik Åsard, Emeritus Professor of North American Studies at Uppsala University, believes in fighting more than in cooperation.

The United States is currently debating whether Trump will collaborate or seek new controversies on each policy area. I think he chooses the battle, so he won in 2016. His natural way of pursuing politics is to constantly confront opponents, "Åsard said before the speech.

During the occasionally hot press conference, Trump also warned that there could be a "belligerent state" in Washington if Democrats in the House of Representatives decided to call it. With the new majority won, Democrats get presidential positions in committees and the opportunity to consider, for example, presidential statements, which Trump has refused to publish, and potential conflicts between commercial interests and the role of President of Trump.

Senate always red

The president can also lean against the Senate, which remains Republican red. Among other things, former Aspire president Ted Cruz in Texas beat his Democratic opponent Beto O. Rourke. In Utah, the former Romani president, Mitt Romney, won a seat in the Senate. Overall, Republicans should broaden their majority with a few seats.

Voters have clearly appealed to Senate Democrats for the treatment of Kavanaugh's hearings, it was a factor, Trump said.

The congressional elections were described as a desert choice for Trump – even though he himself was not on a single ballot. The elections were also described as a prelude to the presidential elections in the United States deeply divided by their ideology.

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