Anna Anka, a Hollywood woman, steals fire in California


Massive forest fires in California force hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate and leave their homes to escape the flames. Until now, the fire has cost eleven lives, many are missing and several thousand homes have been destroyed by the fire that is spreading rapidly.

Anna Anka, 47, wife of Hollywood, was forced to leave her home in Los Angeles because of forest fires. This is confirmed by Susanne Nylén, press director of the Nordic Entertainment Group, where TV3 is included, which produces "Svenska Hollywoodfruar".

Tell the story on Instagram

Anna Anka tells Instagram that she and young love David Johansson, 27, were forced to evacuate. The couple managed to travel to Long Beach, California, well away from the fires.

In an email, Anna Anka tells her that she and David Johansson were evacuated at four in the morning and that they did not have time to pack their bags.

"We drove for hours trying to get out of the area, the police blocked everything, we finally arrived in Malibu by the small roads that were set on fire," Anna Anka writes.

The Hollywood woman explains that it was difficult to find hotels when more than 200,000 people were evacuated and sought housing.

"We are fine, but are extremely stressed if we lose the house They do not control the fire because of the winds … my house is surrounded by fires I am incredibly grateful to all the firefighters and the police who are working day and night to fight the fire.I hope more lives and houses will be burned.Indreply sorry, it's terrible. "Anna Anka writes about this terrible event.

At the same time, she is grateful that she and her love have managed to stay together during the difficult times and not to separate.

"So grateful that David and I are together and we have not been separated," Anna Anka writes.

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