Anna Anka steals the fires in California



At least 11 people lost their lives in the horrific fires caused by fires in California.

Anna Anka, wife in Hollywood, and her boyfriend David Johansson are among hundreds of thousands of people forced to fly in their homes.

"It's terrible, we are so sad and stressed," said Anna Anka.

At least 11 people lost their lives in the horrific fires caused by fires in California.

Authorities live in the famous cities of Calabas and Malibu and have to leave their homes after the start of a new fire. Anna Anka is one of the victims. In an email addressed to Nöjesbladet, the profile of the television explains how she and her boyfriend David Johansson forced to escape fires.

"We were evacuated at 4:00 this morning by the police, there was no time to pack anything in. We drove for hours trying to get away from the fires around us. At the end, we drove the small roads through the mountains towards Malibu, which is now set on fire.Tempting to find a hotel was impossible, more than 200,000 people were evacuated and need a place where live. "

They are currently safe in Long Beach, where they follow the reports closely.

In Northern California, the fire called Camp Fire required at least nine lives. The fire is already calling the most destructive of the state's history. Thousands of houses have been destroyed and more than 30 people are still missing.

"They have no control over fires due to the winds – the air is extremely bad, many suffer from asthma or allergy – terrible," says Anna Anka from Long Beach.

1 out of 2 | Photo: Carolina Byrmo

Anna Anka.

She salutes the efforts of the fire department and the police in the affected areas.

"We do not know for the moment if my house will work … Firefighters and the police are fighting for more houses to be untouched and lives to be affected," she says, continuing:

"I am so grateful for all that they do and that David and I are together in this tragic situation and that we were not separated from each other."

Anna Anka and David Johansson plan to stay in Long Beach until they have more information about the event. Vice Governor Gavin Newsom has issued a state of emergency in California.

"It's terrible, we are very sad and stressed by uncertainty and we are waiting for what will happen," Anna Anka writes.

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