Anna Holmlund named new OS ambassador


There are only eight years left until the 2026 Winter Olympics – but the fight for the Games is in full swing. Stockholm is the last contender and is fighting with Calgary, Canada, and Milan / Cortina from Ampezzo, Italy, to become the July 2019 International Olympic Committee elections.

However, the fight does not only target the outside parties. The Swedish Olympic Committee, SOK, is also obliged to convince the city of Stockholm that it is a good idea to organize the games. Politicians are skeptical about the financial burden this will entail, while SOK, meanwhile, believes that no fiscal crown will be wasted.

"It will not cost the taxpayers of the city of Stockholm anything," SOK chairman Mats Årjes said at a press conference, saying the costs would be covered by a contribution from the IOK.

Anna Holmlund will bring the OS to Stockholm

The contribution will rise to 8.8 billion euros, nearly 70% of the budget for games. The rest will be autonomous and found by sponsors, ticket sales and merchandise, for example, writes SVT Sport.

SOK and Mats Årjes have powerful names that want to see the Olympic Winter Games in Stockholm. The last row is former skipper Anna Holmlund. She was named ambassador on Friday at the Stockholm Olympics in 2026.

Holmlund informs of his Instagram account surrounded by several operating system profiles, including curling star Annette Norberg and performer Jessica Lindell-Vikarby.

"Thank you Stockholm for this time, now the SOK has appointed Ambassador of the Olympic Games for Sweden in 2026," she wrote in her message.

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