Anna Jung and Edward Nordén: The fame of Fredrik Segerfeldt on Swedish agriculture


Determining everything and buying agricultural products from other countries is Fredrik Segerfeldt's solution to the current agricultural crisis. Veronica Palm (S) likes to eat less meat. Qualified tramsand shows fundamental knowledge about the functioning of a society, writes Anna Jung and Edward Nordén, Citizens & # 39; Collection.

Free immigration so that someone can live on rice in a cardboard box near you, the bathtub kills more than terrorists and farmers. Benefits Tokeliberalism's theory strikes again. You know everything – but you can not understand.

Origin is a morning show on TV4, where the liberal debate, Fredrik Segerfeldt and Veronica Palm (S) comments on the current agricultural crisis as a result of the drought. Former Social Democrat MP Veronica Palm is remarkably ignorant in saying that we are going to "eat less meat".

Fredrik Segerfeldt also wrote an article on Swedish agriculture in Expressen

in a certain way would be corrected by these are arguments of extra-space atmospheric. It is as remarkable as proposing the annexation of Greenland in response to problems of integration. Reality does not bother.

On the other hand, Fredrik Segerfeldt buys, in principle, foreign meat because the quality is better, the abuse of antibiotics is irrelevant and that the farmers must contribute. As the panel shone through the debate, the anger of rural areas, where many farmers are without sleep with concerns to leave their homes, farms and professions. Because of what? Three months of drought? This is obviously not so easy.

Agricultural policy is partly politicized. All operating countries subsidize their food production to ensure the availability of food. It's because you die without food. Even liberal academics. But also because sovereign states can be reduced at any cost and remission without available food, when conflicts concerning part of the population are outside of food and accessibility is perceived as an integral part of the structure State and Security Policy

. The main activity of the central government is similar to most working countries for the same reasons. From the United States to Thailand, Mexico, South Africa or Finland. While it's exciting to discuss these topics, most people understand why you're not privatizing everything but looking for common control and funding in some places.

Segerfeldt's reasoning is naive in the same way as naivety now. Especially in the present, there are few people who do not perceive that Swedish preparation is severely imitated. These naive resonances must put an end to what we should become again what we should and could be.

If the whole world – and many poorly functioning countries – subsidize their food production, it is difficult to break up. Swedish farms and peasants are not rich in aid, which is explained by high subsidized taxes, costs and food prices. Food is cheap because it is subsidized. Swedes spend just under half of the money on food today than it was 50 years ago. At the same time, Sweden has one of the cleanest and safest food in the world. Without subsidies, of course, this equation would not have collapsed.

Since support and systematization are based on a single European budget, it is more important than uncoordinated budgets, but at the national level. With a reasoning like that of Segerfeldts, Sweden would lose control of the food content (antibiotics and chemicals are only part of it), being completely dependent on imports from other countries and may be subject to pressure from both countries. price and access to food, load the environment of other countries more negative, make food safe for a matter of class and still need to manage the recovered landscapes and the rural environment. With such conditions, Sweden is not more sustainable than in perfect peace times, the global boom and an outside world that does not want to pay more for food than the price of a buddy.

It is also naive to believe Sweden would be attacked militarily. Or to abolish all anti-terrorist activities because bathtubs kill more people than terrorists. Sweden needs a serious food production policy, not authors and parliamentarians, who are tackling unrealistic solutions to problems that are not formulated by reality.

About the Debates

Edward Nordén is the Agricultural Spokesperson of the Citizens 'Collection

Anna Jung is the rural spokesperson for the Citizens' Association.

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