Anna Odell gives space to the woman as a carpenter | Gothenburg after


I was looking forward to a story about seductive and treacherous forestry. Now that's it.

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Tuesday night, Anna Odell's snack will take place as Prime Minister X and Y. It opens the Stockholm Film Festival, which, one year after #Metoo, displays its most equal program to date. In fact, a more perfect opening fan, I can not imagine. X & Y is a feminist rebellion on fire, wrapped in long films. An artistic position of a rare nature – where all actors involved "come in" with fascinating results.

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In the center stands Anna Odell (the artist, the woman) and Mikael Persbrandt (actor, the man). In the media, their personalities have already been considered unlimited. The autodidact, the other a mad hysteria with dubious morality. Now they are ready to "do anything" in dramatically controlled dramaturgical forms. Anna Odell explains one of the basic firsts of the two skeptical male producers of the film: she wants to challenge Persbrandt by recording two six scenes. One where he really gets in and one where she really gets in.

Exorcism both sarcastic and aggressive, Odell puts an end to our stereotypical performance inherited from the past. Those that we carried with us since ancient times, when Aristotle had philosophized on the human right to freely and relentlessly fill the woman with her grain. The woman as a passive recipient, both of the seed and the consequences. She, the responsibility, always underdeveloped, with her own invisible efforts. In short: late human container for the human child.

How are you with reversed roles – if the woman behaves like the thief, the one who meets us, the ruthless genius, the warlock who forces the environment to obey the least, then apologize for everything? The artist, filled with pleasure and cholera, manipulates his actors – without a manuscript (a film of death in Filmsverige).

READ MORE: The actor and the artist have a movie together

X & Y is a cinematic The girls of Egalia for the 21st century, or for anyone who wants it: May Zetter's movie update girls from 1968. Nevertheless, it remains nevertheless common with the difficult films of Joanna Rytel as Animal performance, Mothers on fire, Hard on and I seal baby.

Anna Odell takes wearing a biopublic belt and fucking spirit. All with the devil directed towards the domination of men and the disorder of women in the world of cinema and art. And best of all is that she's not alone. Mikael Persbrandt is close to the interrogation room – as you have never seen before. To help, the duon also has a variety of alter egon and a psychologist. Vera Vitali, Jens Albinus, Trine Dyrholm, Sofie Gråbøl, Thure Lindhardt and Shanti Roney are part of this set of stars. Here, the seeds are planted and the children of art created. Here, perhaps, old scenes are burned forever to welcome something new. It's ours.

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