Another Hollywood film about Thailand's ongoing drama –


We reported yesterday that the studio Christian Pure Flix wanted to make films from the rescue mission to Thailand, where divers have helped a football team come out of a cave in the last two weeks. Now Variety reports that another incident was filmed, this time by director "Now You See Me" Jon M. Chu and Ivanhoe Pictures. Chu sees it as a personal mission to do justice to Thailand by avoiding whitening methods, via a Twitter post that was probably a cock at Pure Flix:

"I refuse to let Hollywood #whitewashout the rescue story Thai Cave Not at all before our eyes, it will not happen, we will give them hell … There is a beautiful story about human beings who save other human beings, so whoever thinks of history, approach it well and with respect "

The Wild Boars football team, consisting of twelve boys and one coach, is currently quarantined and is well maintained until now. Sergeant Samarn Poonan terminated oxygen during the rescue mission and was unable to save

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other {
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