Anti-establishment and left profile: Here is the new president of Mexico


Who is he?
Andrés Manuel López Obrador is better known by the name of AMLO, acronym for his name. He did not come from the country's political elite, but was born and raised in a small town in Tabasco on the Gulf Coast.

Political career
He began his political career in the 1970s as an activist. He was a great advocate for the indigenous peoples of Mexico and was often seen at demonstrations. He became the mayor of Mexico City, accused of being a populist and nationalist who turns the coat after the wind.

He participated in the presidential election in total three times. 2006, 2012 and 2018, and is the only candidate with a clear left profile in this election for decades.

READ MORE: Leftist candidate López Obrador New President of Mexico

What does he want?
Amlo is marketed as "anti-establishment". In the presidential election, he repeatedly spoke of "the mafia of power" in the country. "The mafia of power" refers to the corruption in Mexico, specifically the opposition, the entrepreneurs and other very influential people in Mexico. These, he wants to collapse and change.

– He defends a better distribution of wealth, but his election issues have been against violence and corruption, "said Edme Dominguez, professor of peace research and development Gothenburg University

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For drug cartels in Mexico, Amlo wants to go elsewhere than the government has done before. Now, the government has given the military in the country everything they had to stop drug trafficking, which, according to Amlo, is not working, but rather expressed the opportunity to introduce Amnesty for some kings kings.

On top of that, he promised to double the pension for the elderly in the country, as well as to increase the number of scholarships for students in the country.

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in Trump
The tone towards neighboring countries and its president has changed between cold and hot. Amlo throughout the campaign pointed out that he "will put Trump in place". Under his victory, on the other hand, he wanted good relations with the United States.

"We will always pursue a friendly relationship with the United States, which is always in mutual respect and the defense of Mexicans working in the country," said Amlo during his victory.

Donald Trump congratulated Amlo on Twitter on Twitter and opened the door to cooperation between countries.

– The relationship will be difficult because Mexico is terribly dependent on the United States. There are many parts of the trade negotiations that are unclear and I do not think the negotiations will be so easy that Trump's applications will affect several key industries in Mexico, in case they agree with them, Edme Dominguez. In addition to trade, it is the problem of immigration and the famous wall that will create conflict between the two countries.

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