Arch Enemy is worth every drop of sweat – Culture & Fun –


Two bands, Eleine and The Unguided, have already played and the concert hall is heated

Arch Enemy won the Gaffa award for hard rock / metal this year and got the best stamp, we also have a large west to fill. But that does not require a lot of riffs before they're worthy. Domedagsintron, a candle installation that's worth it and that smokes to the fullest, rather than Arch Enemy drones.

And we did not even come to Alissa White-Gluz. The Canadian singer who looks to look so pissed off just like a kidney hormone school guy thinks that 's it. Alissa welcomes her audience, invites them to participate in the Arch Enemy Circus and then fights them. Of course, only in such a loving way that only hard rockers can do it

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Without midnight, a concert can easily become impersonal. For some reason, it does not seem that Arch Enemy is rising to the side of the songs and lets the audience flare up on their own. Surely, they could have offered a little more and more of their musical brilliance. But that's the only sump in the cup of coffee, so that's fine.

According to the guardian, only a few people are grouped together. But the scene environment, Alissa's musical fingers to all that is fragile and the exceptionally good sound (gold star to the sound engineer) allows the sweat of drain as much as he wants. Arch Enemy deserves a full-fledged Arbis.

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