Arvid Åhlund: Let the British vote again leaders


. In order to change Swedish base, the Riksdag is required to make the same decision twice with a choice. The reason is that the fundamental changes are considered so important that the consequences, with the word of the Riksdag, must be "particularly well thought out".

Nevertheless, we regularly change constitutions as political conditions change. We did it in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and again this year.

Unlike a Swedish foundation adjustment, the British decision to leave EU is unique. No other country has left the Union earlier and the British will never do so again. Nevertheless, a vote was considered sufficient. It was stupid – Brexit is much more socially responsible than a basic Swedish change.

In addition, the consequences are never thought of.

A "hard" exit could cost Great Britain 80 billion pounds and push average consumer prices up 21 percent, according to a government analysis last spring. The College warned against "legal moras" and therefore "the economic disaster". Aircraft can be parked on the ground and ships can not be arranged because no one knows what is applicable.

This is not the longest nightmare scenario without the most likely outcome. The Brexit plan that Theresa May launched two weeks ago is a failure. He proposes that Britain continues to abide by EU rules and decisions, but does not receive a hearing in Parliament, where majority support is required.

On Thursday, the European Commission called on member states and businesses to "step up preparations for all scenarios and take responsibility for their own situation."

In Sweden, all ministries have been ordered to prepare for severe brexite. EU cooperation has penetrated the national administration, and in Ireland, it strengthens customs and veterinary officials to control agricultural products and animals transported across the border to Northern Ireland if a difficult exit becomes a reality.

The situation in Britain is out of control and the government seems unable to control it. The best thing, therefore, is that, as author Robert Harris has said, "making the brexit baby shouting, sparkling and poignant to his parents – the British people." The decision is of such value that it deserves two votes.

Just like a Swedish basic change.

This is a text from the leadership editorial of today 's industry. The industry of today is independent.

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