Åsa Wikforss raises questions about false news


Wikforss raises the question of false news and gives us a basic course of what it means, which distinguishes them from false news and what to use them. At the moment when "false news" is heard in all the news broadcast in recent years, it becomes very important to explain easily what they come from and what it means seriously. One could use this summer career as teaching material in both high school and high school.

Or for anyone entitled to vote for the autumn of the fall.

Why are we so inclined to believe false news and spread it further?

There are simple explanations of complicated problems that affect all the way up to the highest positions of power.

But Wikforss Summer Rat also contains other things. It is inspiring to accompany his career trip to New York by Oxford and how his life with family and daily life finally ends on September 11th, and home life becomes too strong, despite the fact that he is not going anywhere. love of the city that never sleeps.

At the same time, criticism of the Swedish school is introduced and explains why fact-based knowledge, which diminishes, is in fact crucial for creative and critical thinking. Only those who have solid knowledge on topics such as being able to multiply the table on the outside can also think creatively and critically because working memory is very limited while long-term memory can store almost anything .

semi-bright radio in the lounge chair and at the same time get a little smarter on the purchase.

"Summer in P1" released in podd at 07 and sent in P1 at 13.

So good was Åsa Wikforss "Summer in P1":


She goes straight to the alternative facts in the media and why human beings are so vulnerable to false information. Currently, important and interesting.


She is even stronger when she describes her home, especially after September 11 when she bought a lot of duct tape to seal the windows against poison attacks after the # 39, call of the authorities.

The Scratch

It must have been an easy summer prat, but the program is actually a matter of philosophy, so it does not immediately scrape the laughs.


All music choices indicate that a lot of work is behind. Not only are the lyrics of the songs inscribed in what Wikforss is talking about, but they are also good musical choices. Smart, caring and entertaining.


The best way to find happiness is to engage in other people and in the outside world, she says. This indicates the search.


Song List:

Håkan Hellström – "Faith and Doubt"

John Lennon – "Give Me Some Truth"

Olle Ljungström – "Who Can You Trust" [19659002] Cecilia Bartoli – "Voi Che Sapete",

Aretha Franklin – "Think"

Princess Nokia – "ABC of New York"

Paul Simon – "You Can not Fool" [19659002] Paul Karlsson – "You Can not Do It"

Matthewahu – "One Day"

Lin-Manuel Miranda – "Battle Cabinet"

Call Me Al "

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