Assange sees the new rules of the embassy trying to get rid of him


The Australian WikiLeaks Foundation is motivating its hypothesis by relying on new rules setting the limits of its residency at the embassy.

Assange voiced concerns over a telephone deal on Monday with a lawyer from Quito, the capital of Ecuador, representative of the Ecuadorian state. The hearing focused on the atmosphere the Australian had directed against Ecuador after demanding compensation for health care and phone calls, and called to follow the cat he had as a pet, reports the report. Reuters news agency.

47 years old competitions the host country's claim against it and asserted at the hearing that the new rules indicated that Ecuador was trying to get rid of it. Assange is of the opinion that the Ecuadorian President, Lenin Moreno, has already decided to withdraw her asylum status, but has not yet officially made the order.

Iñigo Salvador, the lawyer at the other end of the phone line, did not respond directly to Assange's accusations. However, the lawyer told reporters that last week Julian Assange was always welcome as a guest at the embassy, ​​provided he complied with the new rules. Salvador should also have said that the British authorities had assured that the Australian would not be released when he was leaving the embassy.

Staff members complained that Assange had driven a wheelchair down the halls of the embassy, ​​kicked the farm and acted aggressively against security guards.

Read more:

Ecuador changes strategy for Assange

The Wikileaks Foundation corresponds to Ecuador

Assange is invited to take care of her cat

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