At least 18 deaths in heat waves in Quebec in eastern Canada


In the Canadian city of Montreal, on Wednesday, the number of heat-related deaths dropped to 12, a doubling the day before

In total, at least 18 people died from heat in the province from Quebec.

All victims of death related to heat are people aged 50 to 80 years. It is often poor people in buildings without air conditioning and people who have already suffered from chronic health problems, such as breathing difficulties.

Montreal's emergency services began an effort to close doors in vulnerable areas. A similar intense heat wave died in 2010 in more than 100 people in the Montreal area

The million inhabitants of Montreal set its record of 36.6 degrees. The main health hazard, however, is not the temperature itself, which is usually between 30 and 35 degrees in southern Quebec and eastern Ontario, with no moisture high.

With the humidity present in the air at least as busy as a drier day of more than 40 degrees. A measure combining humidity and temperature, called humidex, was in Montreal at 44 degrees this weekend and Monday

The heat wave in Quebec began last Saturday. Meteorologists promise that Thursday will be his last day for this time. On Friday, we expect more normal temperatures around 25 degrees

Several other places in the Northern Hemisphere experienced record heat last week.

Glasgow Scotland experienced its hottest day a few days ago with 31.9 degrees. Even the Irish Shannon set a new record of 32 degrees.

The capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, also reached its old heat record on Wednesday. The new sounds 40.5 degrees. Yerevan in the neighboring country Armenia has reached its record of 42 degrees

The month of May was record not only in Sweden but in all of Europe – at least since continental measures began in 1910. degrees.

Heat waves are always regional and temporary, but they are the type of extreme weather events that are deemed more common in the face of global warming, according to the UN climate panel. For other types, the locations are not yet clear.

The global mean temperature ground and sea level month to month this year between 0.65 and 0.85 degrees above average after industrialization. It is about half a degree lower than the corresponding period of 2016, when the El Niño climatic phenomenon has pushed up the world's average temperature to the highest level measured up here.

According to higher satellite measurements at the airport 1981-2010.

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