At least 20 dead in floods, landslides and hurricane winds in Italy


Violent autumn winds have stopped over Italy, where the battle is now between the fresh air in the west and the flickering summer heat on the Balkans and the eastern Mediterranean.

Whole areas have been isolated after the floods caused floods and landslides. In Trentino and Venice to the northeast, more than three million trees were precipitated by winds sometimes reaching the force of a hurricane at 50 meters per second. In Venice and Liguria, 160,000 households lack electricity.

According to AFP, 20 deaths related to this week's chaotic climate have been confirmed. On Friday, two elderly people were killed by lightning in Sardinia, including a German tourist. At least three people were killed by falling trees and at least one person was swept by the white water.

In Venice, the water levels have reached Monday close the recording. But even more difficult, Belluno is seven miles north of it. The floods are on the sixth day.

Many must evacuate when water rises on the lands of the Piave River and buildings threatened by landslides are threatened. About 10,000 households in the region do not have electricity.

Further west, the waters of the Adige River threaten the historic city of Verona. In order to protect the city, the Civil Defense ordered the opening of the tunnel between Adige and Lake Garda. The result was that a river of clay and debris poured into the lake and colored its water.

Millions of trees have been cracked by storm and hurricane winds in the Dolomites. Near Belluno. The picture comes from Italian relief.
Millions of trees have been cracked by storm and hurricane winds in the Dolomites. Near Belluno. The picture comes from Italian relief. Photo: Vigili del Fuoco / AFP

On Friday, at dawn, the waters rose rapidly in the water courses of southwestern Sicily after a storm. The main road along the coast had to be closed, then water leaked on some parts of the road.

The mayor of the city of Sciacca, where roads quickly turned to shreds of water, ordered the closure of all schools and cemeteries.

More than 14,000 rescue efforts has been implemented since the beginning of the meteorological crisis about a week ago.

The Italian Civil Defense has described recent extreme weather events as "one of the most complicated weather events of the last 50 or 60 years".

The total cost of all damages remains to be calculated, but it is estimated that the total sum amounts to tens of billions. The civil defense of Venice has already estimated that roads, bridges and other infrastructure for 5 billion Swedish crowns had been damaged.

Also in Friuli, weather conditions caused particularly serious material damage.

The violent weather is like that continue for a moment. On Saturday, weather warnings about heavy rains, thunder and strong winds in the regions of Lazio, Sardinia and Sicily, and even in the north-east and north-west of Italy, warn violent storms.

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