At least 60 dead in forest fires in Greece near Athens


The mortality rate continues to increase in the wake of forest fires affecting several areas near the Greek capital. Evangelos Bournous, mayor of the city of Rafina, said that Sweden's Aliki Kostopoulou followed the development of downtown Athens where she lives this summer. Although it is a few kilometers away from the worst fires, it is strongly influenced by the situation.

– There is smoke everywhere in the center of Athens and there are many who fear that the winds will spread. DN and continue:

– There are many who died and now we do not know how it will go.

According to the Greek Red Cross, 26 bodies were found in a burnt room that should have been a restaurant by the sea in the town of Mati near Rafina, nearly three miles to the east of 39; Athens.

More than 100 people report injured, including 16 children. According to a spokesman for the Greek government, eleven people are seriously injured, writes AFP.

Sweden's Marcus Persson was on Monday in a hotel just outside the port of Rafina. He and other guests were invited to visit the nearby beach, he told SVT News

. Photo: Valérie Gache / AFP

– People stood up and pushed to escape the smoke. They put towels to cover their eyes and mouth, not to smoke, says Marcus Persson

People gathered on the beach were taken by boat and then taken by bus to the hotels. Athens

] The seaside resort of Mati is located near Rafina and the area is popular with domestic tourists, especially pensioners and children who go to the camp.

– Mati is not even a place anymore. I saw similar cars burned. I'm lucky to be alive, says a woman on the Skai TV channel, reports Reuters.

Read more: The fiery stance in Sweden at the moment

Many believers in the region have not been able to locate. Tour Operator Bravo Tours, who reportedly reported three missing Danish tourists, announced early in the morning that they have come into contact with them and that they are safe, Ritzau writes.

The Solresor travel company there were twelve Swedish tourists fire zone. All were evacuated to hotels in central Athens on Monday night

– they arrived at the port where they were taken by boat, "said Torbjörn Lehmann, Solresor contactor

. 19659020] Photo: Angelos Tzortzinis / AFP

People were invited to evacuate the area, where hundreds of houses were destroyed

– People should lock their homes and leave them alone People can not tolerate so much smoke for so many hours, said Reuters Monday, Achille Tzouvaras, director of the Athen Fire, and he added:

– This is a situation The Guardian says that nine coast guards, two military ships, helicopters and several private boats have shut up people from the port of Rafina.

Nearly 700 people reportedly saved from various beaches where they would emerge flames and smoke, more than 20 people were saved from the water, four of which were also found.

More than 300 firefighters five planes and two helicopters participate in the rescue, said Achille Tzouvaras Monday at AFP. . Even the army was called to fight fires

A local emergency was launched in the region of Attica and, like Sweden this summer, Greece has turned to the 39 EU to help, through the cooperation of the Union, to fight fires.

The aid should come from, among others, Cyprus and Spain.

Read more: Greek forest fires out of control

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