Australia has apologized for sexual assault – "Sorry for betrayed children" | foreign


Australia has invoked a national excuse for those who have been sexually abused while they were children of thousands of institutions in the country. The excuse was put forward by Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

– Today we say sorry, until the children we betrayed, sorry. To parents whose confidence is fooled and struggling to pick up the pieces, sorry. Whistleblowers we did not listen to, sorry. To the wives, men, partners, children who have lived with the consequences of abuse and obscuration. Sorry. For past and future generations, sorry.

For example, some of the excuses given by Prime Minister Morrison for a televised speech in Parliament in Canberra have been resolved. Morrison was visibly moved and her voice broke during the speech.

Many victims and their loved ones had gathered to listen to the excuses on the scene.

Audience affected by the speech of Prime Minister Scott Morrison, apologizing for the victims of sexual abuse.

Audience affected by the speech of Prime Minister Scott Morrison, apologizing for the victims of sexual abuse.
Australia, children – sexual exploitation

The state's apology to victims of sexual assault follows a five-year investigation. The investigators were contacted by more than 15,000 people who had been victims of sexual assault in more than 4,000 different institutions.

Abuses have been committed in schools, orphans, churches, youth groups and sports clubs for several decades. A large part of the concerned institutions are related to the Catholic Church.

Victims have the right to claim damages up to a maximum of A $ 150,000 (approximately € 102,000).

The investigators recommended several measures. The government is preparing a new child safety authority, which will also develop a national strategy for the prevention of sexual exploitation of children.

Sources: AFP, Reuters, BBC

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